About Us

Founded more than 15 years ago
Jesus Christ is Head of The Church

The Church, as part of the Universal Church,

wherein the Lord Jesus Christ has appointed a Government in the hands of Church office-bearers, receives from Him, its divine King and Head, and from Him alone, the right and power subject to no civil authority to legislate, and to adjudicate finally, in all matters of doctrine, worship, government, and discipline in the Church, including the right to determine all questions concerning membership of its Courts, and the mode of election of its office bearers.

All power in heaven and earth is given to Jesus Christ by Almighty God, who raised Christ from the dead and set Him above all rule and authority, all power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Christ Head of the Church, which is his body.

Church History

The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian – Blantyre Synod is a synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, located in southern Malawi. It was founded by Church of Scotland missionaries in 1876.

Blantyre Synod started as a mission of the Church of Scotland. The first missionary was Henry Henderson accompanied by a freed slave. He chose a mission ground suggested by David Livingstone. The Blantyre Mission was founded in 1876, with a church and school. It became a refuge for slaves. The number of Christians grew, and in 1891 the St. Michael and All Angels Church was dedicated. In the late 1920s, responsibility for the church shifted from Scottish missionaries to African leaders

